
This years tournament was in Whangarei.  The girls and boys 1st XIs both competing and staying at Marsden Bay Christian Camp in Ruakaka.

Summary of tournament:

6 games, 3 losses and 3 wins!  Our first tournament game win in 2 years!

Northcote came 7th out of 9 teams but should be proud of their efforts and were close to the teams just above.

Goal Scorers:

 Charlie - 4

Millie - 3

Briana - 3

Jade - 2

Eden - 1

Sophie - 1

Not forgetting our inners for their assists and our halves and backs stopping the opposition and Emily in goal for some amazing saves.

Player of the tournament:

A closely fought competition for the girls as they voted each day for 3 players to give 3, 2 and 1 points to.  Only rule is you can't vote for yourself!

Final result was a clear win to Charlie on 60 points, followed by Millie on 51, Jade on 47, Lotte on 44 and then Mills rounding out the top 5 on 41.

Photos from Tourney, thanks to Emily and Lucas here

Game 1 - Tauranga Girls

Lost 6-2

Goals to Charlie and Briana

Game 2 - ACG Strathallan

Lost 1-2

Goal to Briana

Commentary by Carmen:

Girls game about to get underway...a sunny is going to be tough...

And we are off....

Good work from the girls so far, playing very much like a team...

Half way thru and it is very even...not too many opportunities for either sides

PC to us....

Close but great save from their keeper....

30 secs to go, but ACG have won themselves a pc

Oh bugger, 1-0 to ACG..1st quarter comes to an end.

Sorry 2nd quarter has started, the girls have come out with intensity....

The girls have been playing mostly in the attacking half, 6 mins down, 9 to go

PC to COTES after good passage of plays...bugger side net...Great work though

1 min to go

Half time, 1-0


Girls are giving it their all, great 2nd quarter, unlucky not to get on the board but great team work and a lot better passing then yesterday

3rd quarter about to get underway

Yes,PC to us...girls are playing awesome!! Great to see.

Just a little eager, high ball in the circle.

Great passage of play from Emma, Jade, Charlie...unlucky not to score.

3 mins left in the 3rd

3rd quarter comes to an end and we are heading into the final quarter 1-0 down. But very much in the game. LETS GO COTES!!!

4th quarter is underway...

Only 1 down, they've held off more goals. A goal for us would be nice of course😁


The chanting worked....PC...goal!!! 1-1!!!

8 mins left, come on girls....

OMG...I don't believe it, bad call from the ref, should have been a clear PC to us and AGC gets the ball and scores at the other end!!!

That is just #@%£&£&@%@£!=%÷£#


Sorry commentator just thru his phone in frustration.... 1 min left...let's go girls...

The girls looked spent...I am still fuming over that call. One ref had PC signal and the other ignored...what a tough tough call...

Final score 2-1 to AGC.....well played to our girls!!! Result didn't reflect the girls efforts!! But that is unfortunately sport!!

Game 3 - Rutherford College

Won!  2-1

Goals to Eden and Millie

Commentary by Michael

10mins to start. Team warming up.

Perfect conditions for hockey. Northcote vs Rutherford College.

Under way. Game on.

Northcote looking strong. Circle entry.

Charli on her fast run

Positive attacking pressure by both teams.

Northcote had a few circle entries from fast breaks.

End to end play.. Quick break for Northcote into circle. Strong committed by the team. No outcome. Half time.


0-0 strong possession for NC.

1-0 NC Field Goal Eden


Half time. Strong half for NC. High energy and comment with 1-0 lead

Strong start to Q3. Rutherford have a PC. Defended by NC.

NC too strong. Quick turnover Millie I scores 2-0 NC

Great work girls. Keep up the pressure!

Against run of play. NC to defend 3x PC. The final one out the back line. Last qtr to come.

Sophie gets a PC.

Reset for another PC.

No outcome. Back to strong possession. 7min to go

Against run of play Rutherford score FG 2-1.

Game 4 - ACG Tauranga

Lost 1-3

Goal to Jade

Commentary by Carmen

Welcome to game 2 of the day...just made it...

5 mins gone in the 1st quarter...let's hope the girls can keep their momentum from this morning.

Looks like we are being pinned in our 25...but defending well

The pressure mounted and ACG scored, 1-0 to ACG...come on COTES

The girls are trying to stay calm and play with structure but ACG on attack and wins a PC

Well defended by Emily P and pressure is released.

The 1st quarter comes to an end. Girls need that energy from this morning it would seem....

Great to see some of the girls parents up here to support.

2nd Quarter started....still under pressure from ACG....but a small breakaway and we are back even Steven!!! 1-1!!

Action plenty....I can't keep up...

Our girls are definitely playing with more energy

It is a seesaw quarter 2:30 to go before half time

30 secs to has been very very even

Half time...


Second half begins...

Just a lapse in concentration and ACG scores...2-1

Even I missed was a strange sort of goal but a goal nevertheless...let's go COTES....

The girls are definitely trying hard but this drizzle is annoying...even for me....

6 mins to go

Great pressure from Briana and Sophie.....

Almost...sooo damn close...let's go COTESs

Still 2-1 to ACG with 3rd quarter almost up

End of the 3rd quarter!! 2-1 to ACG

4th quarter is underway...Come on COTES!!!

Very very even with 11mins left...

Soooo close with a breakaway from Charlie but just couldn't control the ball in front of goal...come one girls you can do this.

Again a small lapse in defense and ACG scores 3-1, 5 mins is a mountain to climb now, but it can be done...

Girls are trying but ACG is just putting their foot down and camping in our 25.

Sophie down the sideline...Wins a free hit...

We are definitely pressing...

Oh bugger, end of the 4th, final score 3-1 to ACG, the girls did well, some very tired legs but they gave it their all and they should be proud!! We will find out later this afternoon and see what their game time will be tomorrow. Thanks for tuning in and thanks to Michael for doing the morning game. Till tomorrow.

Game 5 - Rutherford College

Won!  4-0

Goals to Sophie, Charlie, Millie and Jade

Commentary by Carmen

Glorious afternoon for a game of hockey for the will be hot for sure. Game gets underway in 40 mins....

The game is about to get underway but gosh, the referees are glowing in their fluro yellow tops under this bright sunshine.

Let's hope the boys will provide some energy for the girls after their win this morning against Pinehurst (2-1), to book their place in the finals tomorrow at 12:30pm against Whangarei Boys High School.

And we are underway....

On attack now...

5 mins gone and it is a seesaw affair

PC to COTES...

Let's see if we can convert

Sooooo close....Great effort

Another PC, we are putting the pressure on now....

And this time it works to perfection....First save by goalie, ball back to us, Monique controls it, pushes back into the circle and Sophie finishes.....

1-0 to us!!

1:30 left in the quarter and we are pressing

First quarter comes to an end 1-0 is the score

Second quarter has started...

Rutherford is putting the pressure on, awarded a PC....

Rutherford stuffs up the PC and we get the ball straight down to the other end.... girls almost puts it into the back of the net

Just awesome running by our girls....8 mins to go

A bit of a strange passage of play, the girls just don't seem to want to carry the ball so it is a bit of ping pong hockey for the last half of the quarter.

Half time, 1-0 to COTES

Second half about to begin....

COTES comes out of the gate and just scores from a well worked one two. 2-0

Pressing hard are the is just fantastic to see....

We just won another PC

Soooooo close....

Half way thru the 3rd quarter...

Great work from the girls, PC

But snuffed out by Rutherford

3rd quarter comes to an end. 2-0 LETS GO COTES, let's finish strong.

4th quarter is underway

What a way to start...3-0

It was such a quick goal, I didn't even have time to type...

PC time....lets go COTES...


Wow the girls are on fire...Jade puts it into the back of the net, 4-0

2 mins to go, we just earned a PC....

And another PC....

Strange end to the game, one of the Rutherford girls collapsed in the heat and that's comes to an end, COTES takes it 4-0

The girls are real troopers given some of them are carrying injuries but they seem to hold up although, I am sure once the adrenaline goes we will know more tonight. We are all heading to Ruakaka Beach for a well earned dip in the water. As for the Rutherford girl, yes, let's hope she is okay, according to one of the referee, the girl may have had a previous concussion at their previous game and with this heat, she just collapsed on the turf. My understanding is she is with the paramedic and so let's hope she is okay.

Game 6 - Massey 

Won!  4-0

Goals to Millie, Charlie x2 and Briana

Commentary by Carmen

A very good morning to you all, last game for the girls this morning. A totally different day today, drizzle and cloudy!! It might actually help "wake" the girls up. 20 mins before we get underway.

There are a few niggles and injuries in the team but those girls are playing thru them. All Yr 13s are starting for their final game for COTES and the rest of the girls want to give the seniors a good send off by having a great game!!

We are underway

Warming up to the game...

End on end stuff but nothing, a few chances for us...slowly getting into it...

On attack now...

No one on post...bugger....Good opportunity...but here is another... come on girls

We are pinning them in their 25!!

3 mins left in the 1st quarter

1st quarter comes to an end...a few chances for us, we are slowly playing into the contest. We certainly have the possession so let's hope the girls can convert their chances....

2nd quarter underway

Starting strong, PC....

And it pays off...Great team work and we are up 1-0, go girls

We are pressing hard....

This quarter has just flown by 3 mins left, PC to massey...Great save by Emily P.

Another PC to Massey

Well defended, and straight on counter attack...close

Wins a PC, time expires, the whole team came up to play...and scores. 2-0!!

Great work, half time

3rd quarter underway...

Massey is on attack coming out of the half...but of pressure on the girls.

Great defending, and then straight into counter attack, Charlie 1v1 with the goalie...and scores...3-0

Just fantastic work

Massey just won a PC...

But well defended....and the 3rd quarter comes to an end.

Last quarter underway, final 15 mins of the season.

The sun is coming out....

Girls playing well and keeping Massey in their half.

And the pressure again pays off, Briana scores and the girls are up 4-0!! 8 mins to go.

Come on girls, let's get another, under 5 mins left

The girls have pinned Massey in their half for most of the quarter, just massive effort from the girls which is great to see...

Massey somehow has got a PC down our end

Nothing comes of it...30sec left

That's it final score 4-0. What a way to sign off the tournament. It has been a massive week for the girls. Playing better as the tournament went on but they should be proud of their efforts.

Sending off the Yr13s....